

Rules and Terms


If you are thinking of becoming an ENDORSER of a FLO2PRO project make sure you do some checks into the validity of the project
and AUTHOR. Check that the AUTHOR has some sort of online presence and are known in their community.

AUTHOR’s (The person creating the project) are responsible for their projects. Sometimes their projects will go smoothly and other times issues will happen which will delay the projects. The AUTHOR’s best efforts are usually taken to deliver their FLO’s (Products offered for cash once funding is achieved – REMEMBER FLO2PRO IS NOT A SHOP) but there is NO guarantee that the project will be followed through as FLO2PRO does not offer dispute resolution. – As an ENDORSER it is your responsibility to research. This is a gamble so have fun!

AUTHORS: need to be transparent in the way they operate. If you need more time to deliver on your FLO’s (Rewards) ask your ENDORSERS for this. Keep open lines of communication so that no one feels like they are being ripped off. If you are having issues people are usually ok with this as long as you keep them updated. They have backed you in the first place so they do want to see your project come to fruition.

ENDORSERS: Once you have decided on the project you want to endorse and have done your due diligence to find out more about the person behind the project, then you will pledge either a straight DONATION or support through a FLO (Reward offered by AUTHOR).

The name FLO2PRO came from the fact that this platform can support everyone who has no sponsors or just on FLO right through to a PRO. This is for everyone to support their dreams and ideas. This is a community of Skateboards from FLO2PRO who can share their ideas and dreams and hopefully turn them into a reality!

FLO2PRO has many moderators that watch the activity on the site. We want to help you see your dream come true. If we see anything that is not part of our CODE or TERMS & CONDITIONS we will ask them to fix it and if this is not acted on we will delete the user and return all funds to ENDORSERS. FLO2PRO does not allow AUTHORS to give away any equity in their companies or involve prohibited items as their ideas. These projects will be deleted immediately.

FLO2PRO is the ultimate tool for our industry to leverage and share our ideas and be supported by the people that understand this the most.
Enjoy FLO2PRO and we hope your dream becomes a reality.